The Roots of Health and Wellness video series is a production created by SLS staff members Sandra Liang, CNA, CDP and Bethany Teator, RDN. These informational videos will cover topics pertaining to mental health, physical health, nutrition, and overall wellness. Even though the roots of a tree are not visible to the naked eye and don't seem so obvious, they are like the foundation of a building. Let us help strengthen your roots. Have a question about one of the topics discussed? Is there a topic you would like us to cover? Connect with Sandra and Bethany at the button below to ask questions or share ideas and topics. |
Episode 3 - January 2021 This episode covers the fir element and its transformational power along with our monthly Healthy Habit.
Episode 2 - December 2020 This episode covers water and its benefits to the body along with our monthly Healthy Habit.
Episode 1 - November 2020 This episode covers roots in a physical and holistic sense along with our monthly Healthy Habit.
Introduction - October 2020 Introduction to the Senior Lifestyle Solutions office and staff.